Step 1: The ABSOLUTE quickest and easiest way to find a lost indoor only cat is to open the exit it escaped for several days. Typically the cat will return back into the home on its own. If this is not possible, crack an attached garage door, enclosed porch, or window (providing something for the cat to step on). This is essentially using part of your home as a “trap”. Turn off lights outside the house. Keep it as quiet as possible outside the home especially at night. The key is to create an environment where the cat feels safe to return.

Step 2: Put scent items outside the exit the cat escaped, or in the enclosed area you have cracked. Also, place scent items just outside the door of the “trap”. Cats have an amazing sense of smell, and the smell of home calms them and lures them back. Scent items can include (use as many as possible) litter box, slept on sheets/pillow case of owner, owner’s worn clothes/shoes, cat’s bedding, cat tree, and toys. Use items the cat is particularly attached to.

Step 3: Post the cat on local lost and found pet sites. Include the cat’s identifying color, area lost (be specific with street name, neighborhood, city), and date last seen. This information helps others find your missing post through searchable key words. Nextdoor and Pawboost are free and commonly used across the country. Neighborhood sites are also important. For local pet owners, post on Lost and Found Pets Hampton Roads. There are also apps/sites with a fee that can send an email or text to neighbors in your area which include FindToto, Pet Alert, and Finding Rover. For a fee, Lost Pet Cards will also send 1,000 postcards directly to addresses in the area your pet was lost.

Step 4: Make sure to visit your local animal control in person. File a lost report and bring the shelter a flier. Find out if your report becomes inactive after a certain number of days, and make sure to update as needed. Many pets find their way to the shelter months after becoming lost.

Step 5: It is extremely important to use fliers for your area. In the case of an indoor only cat, a flier should be on every door in the 7 house radius. You will need approximately 150 fliers. This is work, but highly effective. Input your address in Google search, and draw a map of the 7 house length radius around your home. This is the area to blanket with fliers.

Step 6: Physically searching for your cat can have some drawbacks. Walking the neighborhood calling can actually lure the kitty further from home, and also keep it more in hiding. Instead, it is best call from the exit the cat escaped. Make sure the calls are soft and familiar. The owner should be seated and have all lights outside turned off. This is less intimidating to the cat, and makes it feel safe. We do not recommend doing this in the early morning hours as this can keep the cat from returning home.

Step 7: Should you search for your cat, make sure it is someone the cat is familiar with. A neighborhood search can also move the cat further from home and keep it in hiding. The cat needs time to settle down and movement will continue the survival mode mindset. Search quietly and softly looking under nearby sheds, open crawl spaces, decks, etc. At night utilize a flashlight to look for the cat’s eyes can be fruitful. Again, we do not recommend the search to be lengthy or during the early morning hours as this can prevent kitty from simply returning on their own. Noises of people walking around and doors opening can actually spook the cat while it is on high alert.

Step 8: Place a baby monitor outside the door the cat escaped, preferably a video monitor. This can allow you to hear your cat meowing or scratching at the door. You may also want to use a trail camera. If you should put food by the door your cat escaped, it is highly recommended to have a camera on the food to know what animal is coming to eat. If it is not your cat eating the food, then you will either want to remove the food all together or trap the animal. Once you have your cat on camera eating, you will want to use a humane trap. Please see the attachment on Humane Trapping and The Walk Method.

Step 9: If you have a sighting of your cat in a different location from home then immediately get food to that exact spot for your cat, and set up the trail camera. Once food is placed and confirmed your cat is eating it, then the cat will remain in that spot. Please do not chase the cat. Sitting/Laying on the ground is the best way to lure the cat to you as it is not intimidating. If you are unable to coax your cat, then you must trap. Please see the attachment on Humane Trapping and The Walk Method.

We recommend placing the camera on video mode for clarity of the animal.

*The Tasco 8mp can be purchased from Walmart for $30 online. It is effective for use.
Please keep all steps in place even if there is a sighting of the cat which seems a far
distance from lost location. Do not discount any sighting, but an owner wants to have all
bases covered when searching for their lost cat. If there is a sighting please confirm the
sighting by eyes or using a camera.